展览由两大部分组成:40个建筑实例文献,以及10多位中国艺术家和建筑师,4位德国艺术家的艺术作品。邱志杰、徐坦、刘广云、姚璐、阴佳、林一林、张轲、袁烽、陈旭东、刘珩、徐甜甜、韩涛、祝晓峰、Ina Weber、Julika Gittner、Michael Krenz、 Markus Heinsdorff等当代最具影响力的一批建筑师和艺术家以《更新中国》为主题进行创作,呈现的方式包括模型、装置、影像和行为等。这些艺术作品和40个已有的文献项目形成一种互文的阅读。在理想和现实之间,我们看到的是中国当代对于可持续发展和思考、实践和争论。
姚璐 摄影拼贴“虞山泊舟图”
YAO Lu Photography Collage“Fishing boats berthed by the Mount Yu”
120×300cmIn cooperation with the Cultural and Education Section of the German General Consulate Shanghai
Dates: Sep., 5 — Oct., 5, 2010
Venue: Preparatory Office of Himalayas Art Museum
(2F, No.28, Lane 199, Fangdian Rd.)
Opening: Sep., 5, 2010 (Sunday)
Artistic Director: Shen Qibin
Curator: Li Xiangning
Assistant Curator: Li Danfeng
Project Manager: Eva Feng
As an echo to the exhibition “Updating Germany” at the German Pavilion of 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale, UPDATING CHINA will be presented at the pre-opening office of Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum (previously known as Zendai Museum of Modern Art) from Sep. 5 to Oct. 5, 2010. The documentary and art exhibition will feature sustainable development, providing an example to share experiences and know-how from one part of the world with another, drawing attention to our attitudes to various environmental, social and cultural challenges.
The exhibition aims to shed some light on the self-updating of China, including the constant self-adaptation of cities, environments, living conditions, lifestyles, arts and cultural symptoms, as well as the updating on a conceptual level in terms of recognizing and reevaluating the development path of China.
The exhibition consists of two parts: 40 documented architecture samples and artworks of artists and architects from China and German. Names of nominated artists, architects and designers include: Qiu Zhijie, Xu Tan, Liu Guangyun, Yao Lu, Yin Jia, Lin Yilin, Zhang Ke, Yuan Feng, Chen Xudong, Liu Heng, Xu Tiantian, Han Tao, Zhu Xiaofeng, Ina Weber, Julika Gittner, Michael Krenz and Markus Heinsdorff. Works to be put on display vary in forms, including models, installations, videos and performance. The works and 40 documentary samples collectively form an interactive intertextual reading, from which reflection, practices and discussions about sustainable development in contemporary China can be perceived.
Opening Hours
Daily 10am-6pm (Closed on Mondays)
Website: www.himalayasart.cn
Tel: 86-21-50339801