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访梦工场御用艺术大师:Schim Schimmel
信息来源:中国创意同盟 文章作者:网站编辑 发布时间:2015-04-11



Schim:作为一名艺术家,对艺术的追求是没有止境,这大概就是最充满乐趣,也是饱受挫折的一点。你总是试图不断提高自己的能力,成为更好的艺术家。在画画时,每一幅都是我认为最完美的作品,但是当我开始下一幅的创作时,总会希望再完美一些。就像我在创作“HongKong Warrior”时,十分紧张但是兴奋,因为我从未画过城市天际线。如果我这幅画创作失败,对于我的名声也会造成影响。在诸多压力之下,所幸完成了这个创作。如果第二次再让我创作类似的城市天际线,紧张和挑战肯定是有的,但是应该不会那么强烈了。所以我觉得一个艺术家最大挑战和回报就是在艺术造诣上竭尽全力的发挥到自己的极致。
One of the greatest joys (and frustrations) in being an artist is that you never reach a final destination of growth where there is nothing more to learn. You are always trying to stretch and grow, and become a better artist. Every painting I do is the best painting I can do at the time, but I always begin the next painting with the desire to paint better than before. When I painted “Hong Kong Warrior,” I had never painted a city skyline before. I was nervous yet excited at the prospect. It was entirely possible that this painting might not have turned out well and I would have to scrap it, but fortunately I succeeded in overcoming the challenges of this painting, and I was pleased with the end result. Now I will not be so nervous the next time I want to paint a city skyline!  An artist’s greatest challenge and greatest reward is always found in stretching his artistic abilities to the limit.





I knew since I was a teenager that I would spend my life being an artist. I knew it was a risk, that it would be difficult to make a living as an artist, but I really had no choice. I have always had a need (not just a desire) to express myself creatively. I knew I could only be happy by spending my life creating works of art for others to enjoy. 




I enjoy painting many different kinds of animals from all over the world. I look forward to painting more Chinese/eastern animals in the future. People comment that I tend to paint mostly the wild cats: snow leopards, lions, tigers, and such. Cats have large, expressive eyes, and I can convey a lot of emotion through their eyes. Elephants are magnificent animals, and I have painted many elephants, but their eyes are small and dark, and do not convey emotion in the same way a wild cat does. My paintings are always about making the viewer feel an emotional connection and love for the animals I paint, as well as the earth itself. If I can make the viewer feel a little more compassion and love for this planet and its animals, then I have succeeded in conveying my artistic message.





 Schim:现在我在中国香港、内地都拥有一些活动安排。从1991年开始,每年在日本都会举办我的展览。同时,我对于开拓香港和内地的艺术市场也感到很大的兴趣。我最大的愿望就是在世界范围分享我的创作,表达传递爱。其次,我想有尽可能多的人来分享我的创作。希望在中国内地和香港可以做到这两个愿望。现在在香港,我正和着名的慈善家、发明家,同时也是艺术家的 Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam合作,我们的书“蝴蝶的宝藏”,会在今年年底和香港与内地的朋友们见面。
A lot seems to be happening for me in Hong Kong right now, and China, too. I have had yearly exhibitions in Japan for over twenty years beginning in 1991. I am very excited at the prospect of opening up the Hong Kong and China art market for my work. My greatest desire in the world is to creatively express myself through my artwork; my second greatest desire is to share that artwork with as many people as possible. I’m very much hoping to do this now in Hong Kong and China. I am currently collaborating on an art book with Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam here in Hong Kong (a very well-known artist, inventor and philanthropist), and am looking forward to releasing my children’s book, “The Butterfly’s Treasure,” in Hong Kong and China as well later this year.




I am working with Dr. Lam on procuring a museum show next October at the Himalayas Museum in Shanghai, and hope to do the same in Beijing in the near future. In the meantime, I hope to be returning to Hong Kong often, as I have made many friends here now, and love the city.



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访梦工场御用艺术大师:Schim Schimmel

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